3 Things To Do When You Move Your Successful Company To Dubai
If you want to remain profitable and grow ---->
(For Founders and CEOs doing more than $1M a year)
1) Find Talented People and Pay Them Well
Low-skilled labor is widely available in Dubai, and it can be tempting to hire individuals willing to accept lower salaries to "expand" your team and increase its size. However, this approach comes with significant challenges, such as a lack of problem-solving skills, poor communication, and inadequate delegation. These issues alone will drain your time and energy, potentially leading to financial struggles. Take the time to find talented individuals with the right experience and pay them a salary that motivates them. This investment will save you headaches and set you up for long-term success.
2) Live in a Functional Area That Serves Your Needs
Rents in Dubai are rising, pushing many people to move from prime locations to the outskirts of the city. As a successful CEO or founder, avoid this temptation. Your time and energy are your most valuable assets, and living in the city's hot spots will allow you to quickly meet people and enjoy greater convenience in your daily life. Don’t compromise on rent to save 20% if it means adding hours to your routine. Prioritize functionality and proximity it’s an investment in your productivity and peace of mind.
3) Find High-Quality Service Providers and Stick with Them.
In Dubai, it’s easy to be tempted by cheap services. The city offers everything from low-end to high-end options, but there’s no standardized approach to doing business here. As a result, Dubai is a melting pot of varying business practices, and the market is still finding its balance.
Opting for low-quality service providers just because they are cheaper or allow partial upfront payments will inevitably cause you problems. Their lack of expertise will waste your time and energy. While the number of low-quality providers in Dubai is significant, there are also exceptional ones who can streamline your operations and contribute to your profitability. Find these high-quality providers and stick with them it’s worth the effort.
If you follow these 3 steps here, you will succeed in setting yourself up in the right way because that is what will make or break your experience in Dubai.
After 30 years here, trust me when I say I’ve tried almost everything! So i know what works and what doesn't.
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